Double Dragon II

Technos Japan Co., Ltd.
USA Release: 1991-12 Double Dragon II
Europe Release: 1991 Double Dragon II
Basic Infos:
Players: 2
Characters: 2
Stages: 10
Bonus Stages: No
Scoring: Yes
Saving: No
Gameplay Infos:
Graphics: 2D Healthbars?: No
Z-Axis?: Yes Time Limit: No
Grabs: Yes Throws: No
Pick Ups?: No Mounts?: No
Jumping: No Panic Attack?: No
Power Ups?: No Food: No
User Score:
vote 1 votes

Additional Information:

Double Dragon II for the Game Boy is neither a port of the NES game nor the Arcade version. Instead, it's a localized version of Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun: Bangai Rantouhen with all the graphics, music and storyline changed so the game could be sold as part of the "Double Dragon" franchise.

User Comments:

ceno 2010-06-06, 01:53
One of the first sidescrolling beat 'em ups I ever played. Maybe even *the* very first one. A great game in my opinion. Sure, it's no conversation of the arcade game nor the NES version of the same name - we all know that by now - but I didn't know it back in the days since I only had a GameBoy. And I didn't care 'cause the game was so cool :D

Last updated: 2015-05-12, 11:42 (Videos)
