Zhen San Guo Wu Shuang

Sintax Technology Co., Ltd.
Asia Release: 2002-06 True Three Kingdoms
Asia Release: 2002-06 真三國無雙 (Zhen San Guo Wu Shuang)
Basic Infos:
Players: 1
Characters: 4
Stages: ?
Bonus Stages: No
Scoring: Yes
Saving: Yes
Gameplay Infos:
Graphics: 2D Healthbars?: Yes
Z-Axis?: Yes Time Limit: No
Grabs: No Throws: No
Pick Ups?: No Mounts?: No
Jumping: Yes Panic Attack?: Yes
Power Ups?: No Food: Yes
User Score:
vote 0 votes

Additional Information:

Not officially licensed by Nintendo.
Also known as "Tun Shi Tian Di: Chi Bi Zhi Zhan" (吞食天地: 赤壁之戰) or its japanese name "Shin Sangokumusou", which it is based on. Some sources also call it "San Goku Shi: Act C".

Related Games:

User Comments:

ceno 2012-02-21, 00:36
Considering this is an unlicensed game, it's a pretty good effort. Solid gameplay, nice graphics and good sound effects / music. But also pretty hard to come by these days.

Last updated: 2013-09-26, 10:13 (Videos)
