Double Dragon II: The Revenge
- Year:
- 1993
- Developer:
- Naxat Soft
Release: | ||
Japan Release: | 1993-03-12 | ダブル ドラゴンⅡ ザ・リベンジ (Double Dragon II: The Revenge) |
Basic Infos: | |
Players: | 2 |
Characters: | 2 |
Stages: | 4 |
Bonus Stages: | No |
Scoring: | Yes |
Saving: | No |
Gameplay Infos: | |||
Graphics: | 2D | Healthbars?: | No |
Z-Axis?: | Yes | Time Limit: | Yes |
Grabs: | Yes | Throws: | Yes |
Pick Ups?: | Yes | Mounts?: | No |
Jumping: | Yes | Panic Attack?: | No |
Power Ups?: | No | Food: | No |
User Score: | |
---- | |
vote | 0 votes |
Ranking: | |
# | SCD |
# | Overall |
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Last updated: 2012-02-29, 03:02 (Box Art / Media)
Additional Information:
Features additional anime cut-scenes and CD soundtrack.